Your child is considered to suffer from diarrhea when, along with watery stools, the frequency of motions increases. Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of malnutrition and even deaths...
Oral health correlates with the quality of life in old age, as poor oral health can compromise our ability to chew and eat certain foods. Moreover, it can also negatively...
Many of us grew up glued to the tv. Every. Day. We watched before school, during dinner and before we went to bed. For variety, we’d pour ourselves a bowl...
As we grow old, many degenerative changes occur in the eyes. Although regular changes in aging eyes may not harm vision, some can result in severe vision issues. Let's discuss...
Good balance can help us get around, perform daily activities, and stay independent despite aging. But unfortunately, aging and other chronic diseases can cause various balance issues in the elderly....
It has been witnessed that the utilization of gadgets like mobiles, tablets, and laptops has increased immensely among children after the pandemic. As a result of COVID, most parents increased...
A few weeks ago, we talked about simple standing yoga poses for seniors. Today, to continue the flexible goodness, we’ll explore yoga from a different position: the floor! Physical limitations...
Getting older can be scary. At least society makes it seem that way. From the cultural obsession with youth, to the way western society seems to ignore older people, aging...
Negativism is a developmental state majorly seen in toddlers aged 14 months to 36 months. During this state, toddlers are more prone to their independence and do not accept the...
Micronutrients, including minerals and vitamins, are essential for our body to work perfectly. For example, the human body needs minerals for healthy bone, growth, and fluid balance, whereas vitamins are...