A while back, we published a guide about making a bedtime routine for adults.

Today, to make the AM just as beneficial as the PM, we’ll learn about the importance of a morning routine, potential challenges, and where to start.

Keep reading to learn how to create a morning routine and stick to it.

Why is a Morning Routine Important?

A morning routine allows us to ease into our day while providing structure. The goal is to start on a positive note; this sets the tone for the whole day.

A morning routine can:

  • help us connect with our bodies and maintain good physical health.
  • plan for the day, allowing us to feel more prepared.
  • let us get important things done early, so we feel productive.
  • build confidence. When we complete the goals we’ve set for our day, we feel accomplished and capable.
  • help us be more mindful and emotionally connected.
  • make mornings enjoyable.

Why is Sticking to a Morning Routine Hard?

We may struggle to consistently do our morning routine because:

  • our motivation for having a morning routine is unclear.
  • the routine we’re trying to follow isn’t aligned with our values.
  • we don’t have a schedule.
  • we’re trying to do too much at once.
  • we get distracted or procrastinate.

How to Create a Morning Routine

1.  Identify Motivating Factors

First, we should find our motivation for a morning routine. The more specific, the better. When we can connect to an internal motivator, it gives us reasons to keep going even when it’s challenging.

Examples of motivators include:

  • to fit exercise into the day and get stronger.
  • to spend time alone and get into good head space.
  • to create a plan for the day, so we can accomplish our goals.
  • to connect with nature before going to work.
  • to make meaningful morning memories with our favorite people each day.

2.  Explore Activities

Once we establish our motivations, we can explore activities that support them, like:


  • Basic hygiene (essential)
  • Hydrate (essential)
  • Eat breakfast
  • Walk the dog
  • Stretch
  • Dance
  • Do a skincare routine
  • Shower
  • Exercise


  • Set daily goals
  • Meditate
  • Pray
  • Practice gratitude
  • Spend time in nature
  • Journal
  • Hug loved ones
  • Cuddle with a pet


  • Take prescribed medications (essential)
  • Create a to-do list
  • Tidy the house
  • Defrost food for dinner
  • Pack kid’s lunches

3.  Create a Schedule

A schedule gives us a simple guide to follow in the morning. This way, we know what we should be doing, and when.

Setting a schedule ensures we have enough time to complete our tasks. It also lessens the chances that we’ll wander aimlessly through the morning.

A simple schedule might look like this:

  • 6:30am – wake up
  • 6:40am – stretch
  • 6:50am – meditate
  • 7:00am – shower and get dressed
  • 7:30am – make coffee and chat with family
  • 8:15am – leave for work

4.  Keep It Simple

The idea of starting a morning routine is exciting. We might imagine how much better life will be and want to change everything right now.

But over-committing can be overwhelming, and cause us to quit.

The best approach is to start slow.

In addition to essential activities, we can choose one to two items from our list. We can try them out for a month and then evaluate our progress.

If everything goes well, we can add another item to our list and repeat this process.

If we’re unable to stick to our new routine, we can investigate why. Do we not have enough time? Is it stressful? Are the activities we chose not as important to us as we initially thought?

Once we understand why we’re struggling, we can adjust accordingly.

5.  Avoid Downers and Distractions

To start the day off well, we should limit things that make us feel bad or distract us from our routine. E.g.:

  • Checking our phones first thing in the morning
  • Watching the news
  • Not planning for the day
  • Eating unhealthy food
  • Forcing ourselves to eat breakfast if we’re not hungry
  • Oversleeping
  • Staying in a dark room interferes with our natural wake/sleep cycle


A great morning routine can positively influence the rest of our day. It can improve our overall health, and make us feel productive and confident.

With a bit of self-reflection and planning, we can create a morning routine that lasts.



