“Stay Healthy & Independent – Evidence-Based Strategies for Preventing Alcohol Use Disorders in Older Adults | NIAAA”

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Staying healthy and independent as we age is a top priority for many of us. Unfortunately, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), alcohol misuse is a growing problem among adults age 65 and older.

The NIAAA estimates that more than 2 million Americans age 65 and older suffer from alcohol use disorders (AUDs), defined as a pattern of problem drinking that results in health consequences, including liver disease, heart disease, and cancer.

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to combating AUDs in older adults, the NIAAA outlines five evidence-based strategies that can help:

1. Screening for at-risk drinking and AUDs using validated tools such as the AUDIT-C.

2. Brief interventions for at-risk drinkers that involve providing feedback about their drinking and its risks, along with guidance on how to reduce their consumption.

3. Pharmacotherapy for those with AUDs, which can include medications like naltrexone and acamprosate that help reduce cravings and the risk of relapse.

4. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for those with AUDs, which helps patients to identify and change the thoughts and behaviors that contribute to their drinking.

5. Recovery groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which provide social support and accountability to help people maintain sobriety.

While the challenge of AUDs in older adults is significant, these evidence-based strategies can make a real difference in helping people to stay healthy and independent as they age.
The original article can be found here: https://www.unifiedcaring.org/five-proven-strategies-for-combating-alcohol-misuse-in-elderly-adults/

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