“5 Healthy Alternatives to Traditional Thanksgiving Staples – Easier to Make and Kid-Friendly!”

#HealthyThanksgiving #HealthyEatingForKids #StuffingAlternatives #GreenBeanAlternatives #MashedPotatoAlternatives #CranberrySauceAlternatives #PumpkinPieAlternatives #StressFree cooking #EasierMealPrep

This article outlines 5 kid-friendly and healthy alternatives to some of the more unhealthy Thanksgiving staples. It offers healthier versions of stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. These alternatives are not only healthier, but also much easier to make ahead of time, meaning less stress on the big day.
The original article can be found here: https://www.unifiedcaring.org/thanksgiving-delights-5-healthy-and-kid-friendly-alternatives-to-keep-little-tummies-happy/

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