“7 Traits of Resilience in Children: Flexibility, Emotion Regulation, Adaptability, Self-Efficacy, Commitment, Stress Hardiness, Hope”

#ResilienceForChildren #FlexibleKids #EmotionRegulationStrategies #AdaptToAdversity #SelfEfficacySkills #CommitmentForSuccess #StressHardinessActivities #HopeForTheFuture

Resilience is a trait that can be learned and developed in children. There are 7 fundamental traits of strong and resilient children: flexibility, emotion regulation, adaptability, self-efficacy, commitment, stress hardiness, and hope. Each of these traits can be developed through different activities and experiences. By teaching children how to be resilient, we can help them cope with difficult situations and build a foundation for a successful future.
The original article can be found here: https://www.unifiedcaring.org/building-resilience-7-fundamental-traits-of-strong-and-resilient-children/

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