“Older Adults: Ways to Manage Diabetes & Improve Quality of Life”

#DiabetesAwareness #OlderAgeBetterLife #DiabetesManagementTips #ExerciseHealthyEatingToManageDiabetes #RegularMonitoringForDiabetes #DiabetesMedicationPrescribed #DiabetesSupportGroups #AgeWithEase #HealthyDiabetesManagement #GoodQualityOfLifeForOlderWithDiabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to long-term complications, especially in older adults. However, there are several practical ways to manage diabetes and improve quality of life in older age. These include regular exercise, healthy eating, weight management, monitoring blood sugar levels, and taking medication as prescribed. Older adults with diabetes can also benefit from support groups and other resources. With proper management, older adults with diabetes can enjoy a good quality of life.
The original article can be found here: https://www.unifiedcaring.org/mastering-the-golden-years-6-practical-tips-for-thriving-with-diabetes-in-old-age/

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